Ioco (just over 1 hour north of Bellingham) is having CPTA's next event on March 15. Bill and Wayne and myself will likely be there representing PST. Any more takers? (And Ron and Tom and Brad and Don, etc. have ridden there before, as I've seen from the results.)
Also note, their beer has a higher alcohol content than ours does...reason enough to attend, no?
With a Nexus pass (thanks, Bill) we had to wait in line exactly ZERO minutes the last 2 times we crossed the border, as there was NO line-up whatsoever in the Nexus lane.
If you regularly travel to Iran, and you're a reformed Al-Qaeda member between 18 and 30 years old you'll, uh, likely have a harder time qualifying for the Nexus program (takes a few months?) than most folks. My point is that I don't think everybody qualifies (former felons, etc.?) for that program, but it makes sense to get into that program if you travel to British Columbia more than a couple times a year.
For more Nexus info:
Ioco has way way more snow than most places,'s kind of amazing, really. Surprisingly it's almost at sea level, too. So it's a bad place to go if cold temperatures are check the local forecast up there, or you might be wasting your time:
Ioco has better/more terrain than likely any regular trials spot in Washington, some believe.
If you also attend CPTA events you get TWICE as many events per year to ride than PST events only. This will make you a better rider.
Web site for more info: Email their webmaster (Billy D.) if you need more info that the web site doesn't cover at all.
Photo credit: Ron Walsh
Dale D.